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Complete images with Stable Diffusion Outpainting

Seamlessly expand photos and artwork with AI

Use Stable Diffusion Outpainting to easily complete images and photos online with simple prompts. Our powerful AI image completer allows you to expand your pictures beyond their original borders, seamlessly blending new content with the existing image. Try it now and witness the transformative power of AI Outpainting.

    • Free 100 images every month
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    Complete missing parts of images with the power of AI

    Extend the canvas or background of an image using Stable Diffusion Outpainting. You can add extra space or create new visual elements beyond the original borders, enhancing the composition and creating a more immersive visual experience.

    Learn how to complete images using Outpainting
    It's easier than you think.

    Step 1

    Prepare your Image

    Upload an image that you wish to complete into AI Canvas. Move or extend the generation frame however you wish to. Choose the model and adjust any settings according to your needs (steps, guidance scale, frame size, and number of images).

    Step 2

    Write a prompt

    Describe the image in detail. To get the best possible results, you’ll want to provide as much detail as possible in both the prompt and the negative prompt.

    Step 3

    Generate and choose

    It is time to hit “Generate” and see the results. If you generated more than one image, you can choose the one that fits best. Select the variation you like best and keep expanding the image to your heart’s content.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Stable Diffusion Outpainting works by leveraging advanced AI algorithms to analyze and understand the content, style, and context of an existing image. It then uses this understanding to generate new, contextually appropriate content beyond the original image boundaries. The AI model has been trained on vast datasets of images, allowing it to recognize patterns, textures, and objects, and to predict how they might continue outside the frame.

    When you use the outpainting tool, you specify the area you want to expand and provide a text prompt describing what you want to add. Text to Image AI then combines its understanding of the original image with your prompt to generate new pixels that seamlessly blend with the existing content.

    AI outpainting and inpainting are related but distinct image editing techniques. Both techniques leverage AI to analyze image context and generate appropriate pixel data, but they serve different purposes in the image editing workflow. Outpainting expands an image beyond its original borders, adding new content to extend the scene. It’s ideal for imagining what lies beyond the frame. Inpainting, on the other hand, focuses on filling in or replacing specific areas within an existing image.

    Inpainting is commonly used to remove unwanted objects, restore damaged portions of photos, or alter elements within the original frame. It relies heavily on the surrounding context to generate coherent content to fill the gaps. Outpainting is also suitable for multiple creative purposes, such as extending landscapes in a photo to include a wider view, and adding elements like a sunset or taller buildings to a cityscape.

    For Stable Diffusion Outpainting tool to fully show its potential, focus on expanding your image gradually rather than attempting to outpaint large areas at once. This incremental approach ensures better consistency and coherence between the original image and newly generated sections. Just remember to ensure the prompt fits the part of the image you’re currently expanding.

    Experiment with different settings, such as the number of steps and the guidance scale, to fine-tune results as you work. These parameters can significantly impact the quality, detail, and adherence to your prompts in the outpainted areas. Try out different models as well. Our AI Canvas offers several popular ones to choose from, each with its own strengths. Whether you’re aiming to expand detailed photos or creative digital artwork, select the model that best aligns with your project goals.

    Ready to start?

    Create a free account and use Outpainting to complete images now.

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