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medieval city built on terraces in a gigantic canyon, lots of buildings connected by hanging bridges, waterfalls, warm glow coming the ground, lush vegetation, pitchblack sky, extremly detailed digital painting, in the style andreas rocha and greg rutkowski and peter mohrbacher, rim light, beautiful lighting, 8 k, stunning scene, octane, trending on artstation

Medieval city built on terraces in a gigantic canyon.

medieval city built on terraces in a gigantic canyon, lots of buildings connected by hanging bridges, waterfalls, warm glow coming the ground, lush vegetation, pitchblack sky, extremly detailed digital painting, in the style andreas rocha and greg rutkowski and peter mohrbacher, rim light, beautiful lighting, 8 k, stunning scene, octane, trending on artstation

  • Size

    768 × 512px

  • Guidance scale


  • Steps


  • Seed


  • Sampler


  • Enhancements


  • AI model

    Stable Diffusion v1.5 (Text to Image)

  • Tool

    AI Generator

  • Created

    Oct 27, 2022 2:11 PM