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Image to Image AI

Effortlessly create a new, modified image based on the initial image using Image to Image mode in our online AI Generator. Try it now for free and see the amazing results for yourself!

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AI Generator · Image to Image

Generate pictures using a source image

Using the Image to Image mode in our AI Generator, you can easily transform any photo or image into a completely different style while preserving certain similarities to the original or not. Simply upload your photo and watch the Image to Image AI convert it into something new.

Girl before Image to Image
Generated girl after image to image

Learn how to generate images using Image to Image
It's easier than you think.

Step 1

Select an image

Upload an image into image section. You can drag an image there or click and select an image from your device.

Step 2

Adjust the Strength

You can control how similar the new image will be to the initial one with the strength parameter. The lower the value, the more similar the new image will be to the original. And the higher the value, the less similarity there will be.

Step 3

Write a prompt and generate

Simply describe the image, including any adjustments or edits you’re looking to make. For best results include both: prompt and negative prompt. Finally, choose the amount of images you’d like to generate - from one to a batch of 10 and hit “Generate”.

AI Generator · ControlNet

Gain more control over image generation process

Guide your image generation with ControlNet to keep the structure of the source image. Learn more about 15 ControlNet models available in getimg’s AI Generator.

Ready to start?

Create a free account and start generating with Image to Image now.