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Get the full power of Generative AI

Choose the best plan for your needs.

100 credits /month
equals 100 images, or 16 FLUX.1 [dev] images
AI Generator
Image to Video
Image Editor
AI Canvas
70+ AI models available
15+ Image references available
Multiple image references
Real-Time image generation
Create 2 images simultaneously 
High-Res image generations
Faster image generations
Download original quality in PNG
DreamBooth model training
Legacy features
Priority email support
$12 /month
excl. tax
3 000 credits /month
equals 3k images, or 1.5k High-Res images, or, 500 FLUX.1 [dev] images, or 250 videos
AI Generator
Image to Video
Image Editor
AI Canvas
70+ AI models available
15+ Image references available
Multiple image references
Real-Time image generation
Create 10 images simultaneously 
High-Res image generations
Faster image generations
Download original quality in PNG
2 active DreamBooth models
(Training model requires one-time payment of 2000 credits)
Legacy features
Priority email support
$49 /month
excl. tax
24 000 credits /month
equals 24k images, or 12k High-Res images, or, 4k FLUX.1 [dev] images, or 2k videos
AI Generator
Image to Video
Image Editor
AI Canvas
70+ AI models available
15+ Image references available
Multiple image references
Real-Time image generation
Create 10 images simultaneously 
High-Res image generations
Faster image generations
Download original quality in PNG
12 active DreamBooth models
(Training model requires one-time payment of 2000 credits)
Legacy features
Priority email support
Training custom DreamBooth model requires one-time payment of 2000 image credits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Every time a new image is generated, one credit is utilized. Typically, our tools produce four images per generation session, which would consume four credits.

Additionally, credits can be used for enhancing or upscaling images, creating videos, or training custom models via DreamBooth.

Yes, but only with our paid plans. Images generated under these plans can be used commercially, adhering to the CreativeML Open RAIL-M license.

Yes, you can change your plan at any time, either upgrading or downgrading. Upgrades will be prorated for the remaining month.

If you no longer wish to use, you can cancel your subscription anytime. When canceled, you will still be able to use your credits for the remaining of the current billing cycle.

We accept major credit and debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

Plan's credits do not roll over to the next month.

Yes, we offer an option to top up with more credits. You can purchase 2400 credits for $9 here. These credits do not expire.

No, the API is a separate product and is not included in the subscription plans. To access the API, please create another account here.

All prices listed in our table are exclusive of tax. Taxes, if applicable, will be added and calculated at the checkout stage.

Please note that we apply VAT/GST in certain regions according to local tax regulations. For recurring payments, please be aware that we may begin to add tax if required by regulations, once we meet a local sales threshold. It's important to review your final invoice to see the detailed tax breakdown and any changes to your recurring charges.