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realistic portrait beautiful detailed matte painting of cinematic movie scene jet li mutate into cyborg snake. horror, created by gustave dore and greg rutkowski, high detailed, smooth draw, synthwave neon retro, intricate, realistic proportions, dramatic lighting, trending on artstation.

Realistic portrait beautiful detailed matte painting of cinematic movie scene jet li mutate into cyborg snake.

realistic portrait beautiful detailed matte painting of cinematic movie scene jet li mutate into cyborg snake. horror, created by gustave dore and greg rutkowski, high detailed, smooth draw, synthwave neon retro, intricate, realistic proportions, dramatic lighting, trending on artstation.

  • Size

    512 × 768px

  • Guidance scale


  • Steps


  • Seed


  • Sampler


  • AI model

    Stable Diffusion v1.5 (Text to Image)

  • Tool

    AI Generator

  • Created

    Oct 28, 2022 9:54 AM